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Law Office of E. Michael Linscheid

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California Department of Fish and Wildlife Warden badge displayed on a law enforcement vehicle
  • By: E. Michael Linscheid

In this article, you can discover… How to begin negotiations with the Department of Fish and Wildlife. The factors that can result in penalty reductions. How an experienced attorney can help you obtain an optimal outcome. Can I Negotiate My Penalties Prior To My Hearing In California? It is possible that the Department of Fish and Wildlife will negotiate punishments or penalties in lieu of proceeding with the hearing. The truth is that hearings are expensive, and the Fish and Game Commission will appoint an Administrative Law Judge and work with attorneys who can end up pouring hundreds of hours into their cases. These hearings can also last a number…Read More

How To Avoid The Most Common Violations Of Commercial Fisherman In California
  • By: E. Michael Linscheid

In this article, you can discover… How to avoid legal penalties as a commercial fisherman in California. The fines and penalties you may face for fishing without a license. How an attorney can help you navigate disputes with the State as a fisherman. What Are Some Common Reporting Mistakes Of Commercial Fishermen, And How Can Any Associated Penalties Be Avoided? In California, commercial fishers must maintain accurate reports for each fishing trip that will be submitted to the Department of Fish and Wildlife. The requirements for these reports can be rather technical, requiring uploads through the internet, which many fishermen are either unaware of or unprepared for. Fishermen are also…Read More

An image of fine car insurance, highlighting key aspects of contesting traffic tickets in San Francisco
  • By: E. Michael Linscheid

While many Californians may not realize the benefits of contesting a traffic ticket, doing so can make a significant difference. This article focuses on three common mistakes that can harm your chances of success, including: Failing to gather evidence or check the officer’s notes. The biggest mistake people make when contesting traffic tickets (hint: it’s not failing to pay the fine). An alternative method to reduce the impact of certain traffic ticket convictions. Mistake #1: Failing To Gather Evidence In traffic cases, conducting a thorough investigation before trial is crucial. Since traffic case timelines are often shorter than those in other criminal matters, you must act quickly. To strengthen your…Read More

Legal Procedures for California Fish and Game Commission Hearings
  • By: E. Michael Linscheid

In this article, you can discover… What to expect at your hearing with the Fish and Game Commission. The documents that you will need to provide. How the presence of an attorney can greatly help your case. What Expectations Should I Have For My Hearing With The Fish And Game Commission? In California, an administrative law judge who is employed by the Office of Administrative Hearings will generally be appointed by the Fish and Game Commission to preside over a hearing. Since the COVID pandemic, all hearings are being conducted remotely, and there is essentially no courtroom for these types of hearings. Your hearing date will be decided by all…Read More

Post Conviction document with a gavel on paper.
  • By: E. Michael Linscheid

Criminal convictions often carry unexpected or unforeseen consequences. While you might not have been able to timely file an appeal, you may not realize that post-conviction relief options are available in California. An experienced attorney can guide you through the process. This article will explain: What post-conviction relief is in California and how it differs from an appeal. The eligibility requirements for post-conviction relief in California. The evidence you may need to obtain post-conviction relief and how it could impact your future. What Is Post-Conviction Relief In California? Post-conviction relief is one of two primary methods of challenging a criminal conviction or sentence after it has been entered. The first…Read More

Image represents the legal process of appealing misdemeanor convictions in California
  • By: E. Michael Linscheid

Getting convicted of any crime, even a low-level misdemeanor, can feel like your life is over as you know it. In California, the impact of a conviction can be far-reaching and long-lasting. Because of this, it’s often worth contesting certain convictions. This article provides essential insights into the appeals process for misdemeanors in California, including: The deadline for filing an appeal in California and why pleading guilty might limit your ability to appeal. A general overview of the appeals process from start to finish. Two examples of successful misdemeanor appeals from California cases. How Long Do I Have To File An Appeal For A Misdemeanor Conviction? In California, you typically…Read More

Glass of alcohol, car keys, cash, and a gavel, symbolizing DUI
  • By: E. Michael Linscheid

What To Look For In A DUI Defense Attorney When looking for a DUI defense attorney, consider these points to ensure you have competent and effective representation. Remember that you’re trusting this person with your life; you’re not merely hiring them to perform a service. Experience Look for an attorney with ample experience handling all aspects of DUI cases, including trial experience, motion practice, representation at the administrative license suspension hearing, filing appeals, and challenging DMV decisions. Trial Readiness Choose an attorney who is not afraid to take a case to trial when necessary and has a proven track record of successfully handling cases that have gone to trial. Current…Read More

Handcuffs wrapped around a roll of money, symbolizing DUI penalties
  • By: E. Michael Linscheid

Fines Associated With A DUI Conviction In California, the statutory fine for a DUI conviction ranges from $390 to $1,000. However, when additional fees and assessments are included, the total amount typically comes out to around $2,000. Options to manage these fines include: Serving Additional Time In Custody: Some courts allow you to serve extra time in custody instead of paying the fine, essentially working off your fine. Waiving Fines For Indigency: If you are indigent or have no reliable source of income, the court may waive most of the fines and fees, leaving you with either no fine or a significantly reduced amount. Determining Jail Time In California, determining…Read More

A lawyer signs a document, symbolizing the legal process from arraignment to sentencing
  • By: E. Michael Linscheid

Unpacking Arraignments An arraignment marks the initial court hearing following the filing of criminal charges by the district attorney or local prosecutor. Typically, this is the first official proceeding in a DUI or criminal case. During the arraignment, the accused is informed of the charges against them and their legal rights. It’s at this stage that you’d enter a plea of not guilty or request to continue the case for further proceedings. In a DUI case, you have several options for entering a plea. At the arraignment, the most common plea is not guilty. However, if you decide to resolve the charges at a later stage, you can enter a…Read More

Judge holding gavel in the courtroom - Law Office of E. Michael Linscheid.
  • By: E. Michael Linscheid

Atlanta YSL Trial Highlights The Legal Rights Of Anyone Accused Of A Crime In recent headlines, Young Thug has gained media attention as his involvement in the YSL RICO trial unfolds. Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) charges are typically used to prosecute individuals involved in criminal enterprises. In celebrity trials such as this, it's important to remember that the rights afforded to celebrities, such as Young Thug, are those afforded to anyone accused of criminal charges, regardless of fame or notoriety. The YSL case offers a real-world example to examine the fairness and boundaries of RICO's application, shedding light on its impact beyond celebrity trials. In this article,…Read More

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